Happy 4th Birthday Cambridge Curry Crew!
Yes, the blog may only be a few weeks old but the original Cambridge Curry Crew group started four years ago today! https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheCambridgeCurryCrew The first meet up was at the Kohinoor restaurant in Cambridge back in April 2010. Strangely enough the Kohinoor is also the restaurant we plan on reviewing next for the blog by sheer coincidence. It will be interesting to see how the place has changed, if at all, since we were last there! Since our first meet up we have had 17 meet up's ranging from places all over Cambridge to Brick Lane in London, also Brighton and Bristol. Four more years! Kohinoor - Cambridge - 2010. April 30th. I was a terrible photographer :D Edmund, the bearded guest reviewer, and Sloosh, the creator!